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Engineering Management Graduate Program provides master program designed specifically for engineers and scientists who want to add management skills and knowledge to their technical undergraduate base.  It is not as technical as a master in engineering nor as general as an MBA-it is the intersection of technology and management.

Surveys show that many engineers hold engineering-management responsibility; they require advanced education and training in technology management to meet the challenge in operations.  Precisely the idea above-mentioned let in 2000 to the development of the Engineering Management Graduate Program at the NCKU College of Engineering.

The mission of the Engineering Management Graduate Program is to prepare technical manager from fields of engineering and science to manage more effectively within technologically-based organizations.  This program integrates with technology by focusing on organization management, cost analysis and law study, etc.


ForwardFacilities of Engineering Management Graduate Program
Student Meeting Room Professor Room Seminar Room Meeting Room
Facilities of Library:
ForwardMeeting Room
Library Meeting Room
ForwardThe learning commons of the NCKU Library (named it “KnowLEDGE”)